Stop-motion Animation Short Film

What is Life? -A Novel. Who is the author? – Anonymous

Nikolai Karamzin

Rengin which means Colourful in Kurdish, is a Stop Motion animation short film about the life of Kolbaran.

Who is the Kolbar?

kolbar (Kurdish: کۆڵبەر‎) is a worker who is employed to carry goods on his/her back across the borders of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey legally or illegally. Most kolbars live in Iranian Kurdistan, where the Kurdish provinces are among the poorest in the country. Among the kolbars are highly educated young people, who have no job because of high unemployment in Kurdish provinces.


Each day, Rengin wakes up, goes behind the window and from there she sees off the Kolbaran going for a perilous journey, a journey that may never have a return, a monotonous and absurd journey. As her routine, one morning she goes behind the window. As usual there is a big box under the tree waiting for someone to carry it. But there is no more Kolbar left! Rengin knows in her heart that the box belongs to her. Finally, it’s her turn to make a decision!
